
This page was generated from content adapted from the AWS Developer Guide

Walkthrough: Automate Account Provisioning in AWS Control Tower by Service Catalog APIs

  • Note You also can adapt this approach for automating account updates, by calling the https://docs.aws.amazon.com/servicecatalog/latest/dg/API_UpdateProvisionedProduct.html API of AWS Service Catalog for each account. You can write a script to update the accounts, one by one.

  • Note Notice that the format of the input string for the value of ManagedOrganizationalUnit has changed from OU_NAME to OU_NAME (OU_ID). The video that follows does not mention this change.

Walkthrough: Configure AWS Control Tower Without a VPC

Walkthrough: Decommission an AWS Control Tower Landing Zone

  • Important We strongly recommend that you perform this decommissioning process only if you intend to stop using your landing zone. It is not possible to re-create your existing landing zone after you've decommissioned it.

Last updated

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