CA administration

This page was generated from content adapted from the AWS Developer Guide

Creating a private CA

Installing CA certificate

  • Note Procedures for creating or obtaining an external trust services provider are outside the scope of this guide.

Listing private CAs

  • Note You can customize the columns that you want to display, as well as other settings, by choosing the gear icon in the upper-right corner of the console.

Adding tags

  • Note To attach tags to a private CA during the creation procedure, a CA administrator must first associate an inline IAM policy with the CreateCertificateAuthority action and explicitly allow tagging. For more information, see Attaching tags to a CA at the time of creation.

Updating a CA

  • Note For all status values except DELETED and FAILED, you are billed for the CA.

Deleting a CA

  • Important A private CA can be deleted if it is in the PENDING_CERTIFICATE, CREATING, EXPIRED, DISABLED, or FAILED state. In order to delete a CA in the ACTIVE state, you must first disable it, or else the delete request results in an exception. If you are deleting a private CA in the PENDING_CERTIFICATE or DISABLED state, you can set the length of its restoration period from 7-30 days, with 30 being the default. During this period, status is set to DELETED and the CA is restorable. A private CA that is deleted while in the CREATING or FAILED state has no assigned restoration period and cannot be restored. For more information, see Restoring a private CA. You are not charged for a private CA after it has been deleted. However, if a deleted CA is restored, you are charged for the time between deletion and restoration. For more information, see Pricing.

Restoring a CA

  • Note You are not charged for a private CA after it has been deleted. However, if a deleted CA is restored, you are charged for the time between deletion and restoration. For more information, see Pricing.

Last updated