Using Maven

This page was generated from content adapted from the AWS Developer Guide

Use CodeArtifact with mvn

  • Important You can use any value in the <id> element, but it must be the same in both the <server> and <repository> elements. This enables the specified credentials to be included in requests to CodeArtifact.

  • Note The example above publishes commons-cli 1.4. Modify the groupId, artifactID, version, and file arguments to publish a different JAR.

Publishing with curl

  • Important You must prefix the value of the --data-binary parameter with a @ character. When putting the value in quotation marks, the @ must be included inside the quotation marks.

Use Maven checksums

  • Note Maven uses the term artifact. In this guide, a Maven package is the same as a Maven artifact. For more information, see AWS CodeArtifact package.

Last updated