AWS IoT secure tunneling

This page was generated from content adapted from the AWS Developer Guide

Configuring a remote device and using IoT agent

  • Note If you want to deliver the destination client access token to the remote device through methods other than subscribing to the reserved MQTT topic, you might need a destination client access token (CAT) listener and a local proxy. The CAT listener must work with your chosen client access token delivery mechanism and be able to start a local proxy in destination mode.

Resolving secure tunneling connectivity issues

  • Note If you're not sure whether the CAT needs to be rotated on the source or destination, you can rotate the CAT on both the source and destination by setting ClientMode to ALL when using the RotateTunnelAccessToken API. Rotating the CAT doesn't extend the tunnel duration. For example, say the tunnel duration is 12 hours and the tunnel has already been open for 4 hours. When you rotate the access tokens, the new tokens that are generated can only be used for the remaining 8 hours.

  • Note Using client tokens to reuse the CAT is not recommended. We recommend that you use the RotateTunnelAccessToken API instead to rotate the client access tokens to reconnect to the tunnel.

Last updated

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