Container agent

This page was generated from content adapted from the AWS Developer Guide

Installing the Amazon ECS container agent

  • Note The systemd units for both Amazon ECS and Docker services have a directive to wait for cloud-init to finish before starting both services. The cloud-init process is not considered finished until your Amazon EC2 user data has finished running. Therefore, starting Amazon ECS or Docker via Amazon EC2 user data may cause a deadlock. To start the container agent using Amazon EC2 user data you can use systemctl enable --now --no-block ecs.service.

  • Note If you get no response, ensure that you associated the Amazon ECS container instance IAM role when launching the instance. For more information, see Amazon ECS container instance IAM role.

  • Note When using a non-Amazon Linux AMI, your Amazon EC2 instance requires cgroupfs support for the cgroup driver in order for the Amazon ECS agent to support task level resource limits. For more information, see Amazon ECS agent on GitHub.

Container agent versions

  • Note As new Amazon ECS-optimized Amazon Linux 2 AMIs and Amazon ECS agent versions are released, older versions are still available for launch in Amazon EC2. However, we encourage you to update to the latest version of the Amazon ECS agent and to keep your container instance software up to date. If you request support for an older version of the Amazon ECS agent through AWS Support, you may be asked to move to the latest version as a part of the support process.

  • Important Amazon ECS agent versions 1.20.0 and later have deprecated support for Docker versions older than 1.9.0.

  • Note As new Amazon ECS-optimized Amazon Linux AMIs and Amazon ECS agent versions are released, older versions are still available for launch in Amazon EC2. However, we encourage you to update to the latest version of the Amazon ECS agent and to keep your container instance software up-to-date. If you request support for an older version of the Amazon ECS agent through AWS Support, you may be asked to move to the latest version as a part of the support process.

  • Important Amazon ECS agent versions 1.20.0 and later have deprecated support for Docker versions older than 1.9.0.

Updating the Amazon ECS container agent

  • Note Agent updates do not apply to Windows container instances. We recommend that you launch new container instances to update the agent version in your Windows clusters.

  • Note The introspection API added Version information in the version v1.0.0 of the Amazon ECS container agent. If Version is not present when querying the introspection API, or the introspection API is not present in your agent at all, then the version you are running is v0.0.3 or earlier. You should update your version.

Container agent configuration

Private registry authentication for container instances

  • Important We do not recommend that you inject these authentication environment variables at instance launch with Amazon EC2 user data or pass them with the --env option to the docker run command. These methods are not appropriate for sensitive data, such as authentication credentials. For information about safely adding authentication credentials to your container instances, see Storing container instance configuration in Amazon S3.

  • Important Newer versions of Docker create a configuration file as shown above with an outer auths object. The Amazon ECS agent only supports dockercfg authentication data that is in the below format, without the auths object. If you have the jq utility installed, you can extract this data with the following command: cat ~/.docker/config.json | jq .auths

  • Important If the previous command does not return the ECS_DATADIR environment variable, you must stop any tasks running on this container instance before stopping the agent. Newer agents with the ECS_DATADIR environment variable save their state and you can stop and start them while tasks are running without issues. For more information, see Updating the Amazon ECS container agent.

Automated task and image cleanup

Task metadata endpoint

  • Important

Container agent endpoint

  • Important

  • Note You can add support for this feature on Amazon EC2 instances using older versions of the Amazon ECS container agent by updating the agent to the latest version. For more information, see Updating the Amazon ECS container agent.

Container agent introspection

  • Important Your container instance must have an IAM role that allows access to Amazon ECS in order to retrieve the metadata. For more information, see Amazon ECS container instance IAM role.

  • Note Amazon ECS container agents before version 1.14.2 require full Docker container IDs for the introspection API, not the short version that is shown with docker ps. You can get the full Docker ID for a container by running the docker ps --no-trunc command on the container instance.

Using gMSAs for Windows Containers

  • Note This feature is not supported on Windows containers on Fargate.

Using gMSAs for Linux Containers

  • Note This feature is not supported on Fargate. For Linux on Fargate, you can follow the example Using Windows Authentication with Linux Containers on Amazon ECS.

  • Note If you chose to use your own KMS key to encrypt your secret, then you must add the necessary permissions to this role and add this role to the AWS KMS key policy.

Updating the Amazon ECS container agent with the console

  • Note Agent updates do not apply to Windows container instances. We recommend that you launch new container instances to update the agent version in your Windows clusters.

Last updated

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