Working with packages

This page was generated from content adapted from the AWS Developer Guide

Packages overview

  • Note Published npm packages are limited to a maximum size less than 2 GB.

  • Note Importing a package version from a public repository typically takes longer than publishing. For more information, see External connection latency.

List package names

  • Important The value for the --namespace option should not include the leading @. To search for the namespace @types, set the value to types.

  • Note The --namespace option filters by namespace prefix. Any npm package with a scope that starts with the value passed to the --namespace option will be returned in the list-packages response.

  • Note The --namespace option filters by namespace prefix. Any npm package with a scope that starts with the value passed to the --namespace option will be returned in the list-packages response.

Download package version assets

  • Note To download assets from a scoped npm package, include the scope in the --namespace option. The @ symbol must be omitted when using --namespace. For example, if the scope is @types, use --namespace types.

Copy packages between repositories

  • Note Calling put-repository-permissions-policy will replace the current repository policy if one exists. You can use the get-repository-permissions-policy command to see if a policy exists, for more information see Read a policy. If a policy does exist, you may want to add these permissions to it instead of replacing it.

  • Note You must specify the --versions or the --version-revisions parameter with copy-package-versions. You cannot specify both.

View and update package version details and dependencies

  • Note CodeArtifact does not extract package version detail information from parent POM files. The metadata for a given package version will only include information in the POM for that exact package version, not for the parent POM or any other POM referenced transitively using the POM parent tag. This means that the output of describe-package-version will omit metadata (such as license information) for Maven package versions that rely on a parent reference to contain this metadata.

  • Note CodeArtifact does not support displaying readme files from Maven packages.

Update package version status

  • Note The —-versions parameter must also be defined when using the --version-revisions parameter.

Editing package origin controls

  • Note Packages that existed in CodeArtifact repositories prior to around May 2022 will have a default package origin controls of Publish: ALLOW and Upstream: ALLOW. Package origin controls must be set manually for such packages. The current default values have been set on new packages since that time, and started being enforced when the feature launched on July 14, 2022. For more information about setting package origin controls, see Editing package origin controls.

Last updated